Published: July 2023

Ruta de los Cenotes


Ruta de los Cenotes is a tourist attraction located in the Yucatan Peninsula, in Mexico. This tour passes through many cenotes, which are natural formations of fresh water in caverns or underground wells.

Cenotes are considered sacred by the ancient Mayans and offer a unique experience for visitors.

There are different cenotes along the route, each with unique characteristics and beauty. Some cenotes are open, with crystal clear waters, and surrounded by exuberant vegetation. Others are partially covered, creating a mysterious and fascinating atmosphere.

Many cenotes are fragile and protected ecosystems. When visiting them, you must respect the natural environment, follow the instructions of the guides and avoid damaging the local flora and fauna. It is also advisable to bring snorkeling or diving equipment to fully enjoy the underwater beauty of the cenotes.

Ruta de los Cenotes is a popular option for those who want to explore the natural beauty of the Yucatan Peninsula and enjoy a refreshing and unique experience in the middle of the jungle.

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