Published: June 2024

Surprise Dad with the ideal gift at Airshops


Father's Day is fast approaching; it's an opportunity to express our gratitude and love for those who have been a constant source of support, teaching and love. Celebrating Dad is a way to honor his ability to overcome obstacles and to inspire us to follow his example. It is a day to remember and be thankful for all that he has done and continue to do for us.

If you still have no idea what you could give him, at Airshops we have the ideal present to surprise him and show how much you appreciate him. Here are some ideas that we are sure he will love.

  • Perfume: Aromas have a powerful link with memory and emotions. Giving a perfume as a gift can evoke specific memories or create new memorable moments. Every time your dad wears the fragrance you gave him, he'll remember the love and intention behind the gift, making the emotional connection last over time. Find a fragrance that leaves a lasting impression and reflects his personality at Duty Free.
  • Smartwatch: If your dad is a technology lover, runner or sportsman in general, a smartwatch is the ideal option to surprise him.  This gift combines advanced technology with practical benefits that can have a positive impact on his daily life, showing that you care about his comfort and health. Check out the current promotions at iShop!
  • Clothing: Giving clothing as a gift is always a practical option, as it is an essential item that is used in everyday life. Choosing clothes that align with your dad's tastes and style shows that you pay attention to his interests and personality. Whether he prefers classic, modern, sporty or relaxed, you can select clothes that reflect his identity and make him feel valued. On your way through our terminals visit Citees, Ay Güey or Psycho Bunny and find the perfect garment to pamper him.

In addition, at each stop of your tour you will see a long list of options and details to choose from such as lotions, sunglasses, natural cosmetics, rings, bracelets, gold and silver necklaces, candies and much more. The most important thing is to think about what your dad really likes, and make him feel special and remembered.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads!

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